“Salt Lake Academy” is a vision conceptualized by a lady, Prof. Manta Dey, a great visionary of modern education system (HOD B.Com – Techno India University). Her untiring sincere efforts have brought her laurels as she has been instrumental in changing the lives of thousands of aspiring students since 2005.“Salt Lake Academy” has emerged a benchmark in the arena of ‘Coaching & Guidance’ and boasts of excellent performances with the support of “ Kaushik Sir” “Sukanta Sir” ”Manna Sir” “Deepak Sir” “ Purnima Mam” “ Rina Mam” & “Moulik Mam” in various School & College Exams across Kolkata. Taking the legacy of excellence forward, today, Salt Lake Academy has become synonymous with quality coaching for students of CBSE, ICSE, ISC, NIOS, BCOM, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCOM, MCA and various Entrance Exams like CPT, CA ( IPCC), CMA (Inter), JEE, AIEE, NEET etc. For the last 15 years, it has been producing Rankers in various Entrance Exams and above all, the trust of thousands of parents, have together made it a reliable educational institute in the arena of focused and qualitative preparation.
Emerging a pre-eminent educational academy by virtue of imparting quality coaching & guidance to students ranging from average to bright, and help them to realise their dreams of becoming doctors, engineers, Chartered Accountant, Company secretary, Economist by: